Free Your Voice.

Speak Your Mind.

Sing Your Heart Out.

Photo of Marisa del Campo (she/her) - founder and teaching artist of del C. Voice Studios.

Marisa del Campo (she/her) - Founder


wants you to embrace the possibilities.

Are you tired of limiting yourself?

Let’s work together to break through those barriers and free your voice! With individualized sessions dedicated to your needs and goals, we’ll explore everything that you are capable of and unlock the powerful voice that was in you all along, because...

your voice deserves to be heard!



Let the best of NYC Voice Lessons be wherever you are.

Voice Lessons are in the heart of New York City or online using Zoom.


Voice Lessons

Are you a little bit country? A little bit rock ‘n roll? Maybe both? Maybe neither! Explore your voice’s possibilities through a tailored-to-you program of techniques and exercises with NYC voice teacher Marisa del Campo.

Artist Development

For you, singing doesn’t happen in the shower—you’re a professional, so let’s find the repertoire, audition cuts, resume, and headshots to position you for a career in performance.


del C. Voice Studios works with clients on 6 continents.

(Antartica hopefully coming soon!)

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Voice Testimonial for Marisa del Campo

“My voice has opened up in ways I never thought possible but most importantly, Marisa del Campo cares about my longevity as a singer, and as a human being. I always feel safe vocally and emotionally.”

Bella Harris

del c. voice studio Reviews


“Marisa makes learning, conceptualizing, and the actual practice fun, enjoyable, and freeing.”

Adam Boggs McDonald

Testimonial for NYC Voice Lessons with Marisa del Campo

“Marisa del Campo has a way of getting me to feel completely relaxed and full of confidence with the material before I go in the room to audition.”

Tristan Hill

Testimonial for NYC Voice Lessons with Marisa del Campo

“Marisa del Campo is not only knowledgeable about the current trends on Broadway, but she also works on specific struggles relevant to the person she is coaching.”

Caroline Kirk



 del C. Voice Studios welcomes students from all walks of life accepting and loving all races, ethnicities,
religions, gender identities, sexual orientations, neuro-diversities, disabilities, weight, and body types. 
It is our hope that the love and acceptance shown here can be transferred out to the world.
Let us be good to each other; treating other singers, actors, artists, and humans with respect and kindness

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Book Now

Use the form below to book your first session with Marisa del Campo or to ask a question.
